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1x mouse click on the section “Family tree” > again 1x mouse click on the name of interest in the upcoming boxes of the family tree overview (only possible in the dark brown coloured boxes).
After a few seconds the corresponding family tree will open in a PDF graphic. If you d'ont have the standard Adobe Reader program to open the PDF format, please download it for free at http://www.adobe.com. A recommendable alternativ is 'PDF-XChange Viewer'

You can chose individually how far to zoom in on the graphic (go to Adobe-Reader Menu Bar) but beware that sometimes the content cannot be seen immediately when the graphic is very much enlarged. Just scroll in search for it or use the “hand symbol” as offer in the Adobe-Menu Bar to find it.
Once you close the Adobe document you get back to the overview of family trees automatically.


- Family tree
   incl. Portraits



pfeil Family tree

pfeil GenealTable
Access to the family trees