The Bornbusch branch of
the family has developed their own coat of arms over the course of time. Although
we do not know why, one possible reason would be that they were not consulted/involved
in the creation/design of the Bornebusch coat of arms during the years 1911-13
and consequently either consciously/deliberately or unaware of their relatives´
activities chose to do their own thing. The first coat of arms appeared in
1931. Back to this year dates a letter which Hans Bornbusch (15-264) wrote
to his father on the 18th of november. However, we have no information on
the colouring that was planned for this particular image (1).
B. published this particular coat of arms later on with the colouring shown
in Version 2.
The coat of arms 3 (presumably from 1980-1990) is represented on the copy
of a page of a book (15-264) treating genealogical literature where the image
is only reproduced in black/white but described correctly in heraldic terms.
It is assigned to Hermann B. and the image itself as well as the blazon tell
us what it looked like.
As the heraldic key features are identical with the older Bornebusch coat
of arms, we can assume that H. was geared to that image. So far no literary
source for the mentioned page could be found.