Coat of arms




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Coat of arms - Bornebusch

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We do not know with which colouring the coat of arms 1 was presented at the time. Here, the version that the Dane Heinrich H. Bornebusch used in his family chronic II in 1950 is shown. The version 2 became the most popular one in 1912/13, especially after the insistent pleading of the expert of heraldry Vilhelm Bornebusch/14-171. My grandfather Erich who had originally favoured version 4 gave in and accepted the version 2. Consequently, the image of the coat of arms 2 decorates both of the covers of his family chronic books (the colour grey is the one of the cover itself). It is not very clear why Heinrich H. Bornebusch in 1950 then chose to use the old non-heraldic version of the coat of arms again, especially after the former pleading of his fellow compatriot.
different shield, different image
Drafts  Rodo von Haken/Berlin
Joh. H. Bornebusch
Shield image. preserved
Draft A. v.d. Velden
Those four different coat of arms were the base for the last-mentioned survey in 1912 which had the aim to find out which design should be the valid one from then on. The Danish branch of the family as well as the descendants of the before appreciated Johann Heinrich took part in this survey. The colouring black/gold (yellow) corresponds with the colours in the coat of arms of the count of Hoya (the Bornbusch farm was located in their territory around 1500).
The correspondence of the different suggestions regarding the matters of design are partially preserved.